Tax consultation in Lithuania

CHK can offer sound advice to keep all of the taxation matters of your Lithuanian business under control and avoid surprises.

CHK knows how important it is to fine-tune the details and how difficult it can be to keep up with all the nuances and updates in tax law when your focus is on running your business.

Although the broader traditions and cultural context are similar in the two countries, specific requirements apply to taxation in Lithuania. We translate these taxation specifics into understandable terms and build bridges across national borders.

If you are a representative of a foreign company and want to start doing business in Lithuania, you need to check what type of registration is required. The JA&CH team can help with advice and all the necessary documentation.

After registering with the Lithuanian tax authority or registration office, a team of JA&CH specialists will take care of your company’s accounting – from advice to final reporting.

If you are doing business remotely in Lithuania, you can authorise the JA&CH team and we will represent your company before the tax or social security office.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!

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