For construction companies

CHK keeps an eye on your construction company’s accounts so you can leave your mark on the construction landscape.

Construction is one of the most popular activities for entrepreneurs. CHK has innovative solutions for construction companies, covering both traditional accounting services and special solutions based on the individual needs of each business.

Construction companies often use project- and site-based accounting. This allows for the revenue and expenses associated with each construction contract to be distinguished in accounts, which is important for assessing the profitability of projects. CHK is familiar with and can help your business with the nuances of how to recognise revenue from short- and long-term construction services.

For larger construction companies, it is also important to note that CHK’s specialists are experienced in inspections and audits.

A construction company may have its own employees as well as subcontractors who are hired to carry out a specific job. There are major differences between an employment contract and a contract for services, as the former is governed by the Employment Contracts Act and the latter by the Law of Obligations Act. With the help of their partners, CHK’s specialists will help you draft contracts that meet all the legal requirements.

Construction operations are backed by software that helps you manage projects and contracts and monitor budgets. Examples include Bauwise and SoftBuilder, which can be interfaced with accounting software. The Skywerk software is also suitable for smaller construction companies to keep construction diaries and timesheets.

We offer financial accounting through the CHK online application Trigon, through which you can draw up and send out sales invoices and view financial statements. Our payroll accounting software is Merit Palk. Other HR tools include Begin and Wemply.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!

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