For apartment associations

CHK takes care of your apartment association’s accounts so you can focus on the comfort of residents.

Accounting for apartment associations requires specific knowledge and practical experience. CHK offers traditional accounting and modern business software for apartment associations.

An apartment association is a legal person in private law whose members are the apartment owners. All apartment associations must keep accounts. This is where CHK specialists can help.

As a rule, accounts are kept on an accrual basis, while small apartment associations with up to 10 apartments may opt for cash-based accounting (unless the association is managed and represented by a legal person rather than a management board).

The accounts of an apartment association include specific features such as the intermediation of public utilities, the sharing of costs between apartment owners and the recognition of a repair fund.

At the end of the financial year, CHK also assists in the preparation of annual accounts. Apartment associations with up to 10 apartments are not obliged to prepare an annual report if the association is managed by a management board.

CHK provides accounting services for apartment associations through the specialised online application Korto, which is accessible not only to the accountant but also to the management board and members of the association.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!

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