Business services in Finland

CHK’s business services will help you set up a company or branch in Finland.

CHK can help you to set up a company in Finland (OY or branch) or register an Estonian company with the Finnish tax authority. Although the broader traditions and cultural context are similar in the two countries, specific requirements apply to starting a business in Finland. We translate these business specifics into understandable terms and build bridges across national borders.

Our specialists will advise you on your choice of business form and help you with updates in the Finnish register of companies.

CHK also takes care of business acquisitions and disposals in Finland, as well as tax registrations, including in the advance payment register, VAT register and register of employers. We also register Estonian OÜs in Finland.

We provide our accounting service customers with a legal address in Finland and a representation service under the Posted Workers Act. We also help with insurance.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!

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