Business analytics

CHK offers your company a business analytics service supported by the latest technological solutions. Expert analysis by our specialists helps you make better management decisions, optimise operational processes and increase the efficiency of your entire business.

Business analytics provides necessary and accurate data at the right time to help you achieve your business objectives. As a result, you’ll increase your revenue and reduce your costs, see opportunities for growth and manage it more confidently.

How is business analytics carried out?

For our business analytics service, CHK uses PowerBI – business software that helps you monitor your company finances, customer base profitability and revenue and expenses in real time on a mobile app.

The operations of an organisation are made up of different work processes, all of which produce a certain amount of data. We gather and process the data to build a report tailored to your company’s specific nature and objectives.

The report can cover different types of business information in addition to the revenue and expenses reflected on the monthly balance sheet and in the profit and loss account. From a single report, you will gain an overview of working hours, track your top customers and products over time, and much more.

Who is the business analytics service for?

CHK offers your company a professional business analytics service. It is not reserved for large corporations: even a company with 10 employees has a lot to gain if you get your numbers talking. Our service is aimed at people who want help and advice to run their business successfully and improve their performance

Why choose CHK?

CHK is a professional and trustworthy partner in handling your matters. Personalised consultation ensures that you get the most out of business analytics. We build reporting around the specific nature and business goals of your organisation. We deliver the information you need, keeping reporting clear and straightforward. If necessary, we can help you interpret the data on graphs and charts and suggest possible directions for improvement.

Our cooperation does not end once the report is set up. We keep an eye on the trends and opportunities in the field of business analytics, thanks to which we are willing and able to offer new and more effective ways to analyse your organisation’s data. The report we develop will allow you to make data-driven decisions that give you a competitive advantage in your business.

What other services does CHK offer?

With professional qualifications and wide-ranging experience, CHK experts also offer services in other areas. In addition to business analytics, we offer accounting, tax consultation, business services and insurance.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!

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