
CHK offers innovative solutions covering both traditional accounting services and special solutions based on the needs of each business. We will develop a package of services tailored to your business, including e.g. accounting, payroll and tax accounting and business analytics.

Accounting is an area where you don’t want to leave anything to chance or overlook any aspects. CHK makes sure that your company’s accounting is in the best hands. Our accounting service also includes advice on day-to-day accounting and taxation issues.

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Who do we provide accounting services to?

We provide accounting services (regardless of the legal form of the business) to customers in four countries:

  • Estonia: Private limited companies (OÜ), public limited companies (AS), self-employed persons (FIE), apartment associations (KÜ), non-governmental organisations (MTÜ) and foundations (SA)
  • Finland: Public limited companies (OY), self-employed persons (toiminimi), housing associations (taloyhtiö) and companies registered in Estonia and operating in Finland
  • Lithuania: Public limited companies (UAB), micro-enterprises (MB), self-employed persons (IĮ) and companies registered in Estonia and operating in Lithuania
  • Sweden: Public limited companies (AB) and companies registered in Estonia and operating in Sweden

What does our accounting service include?

CHK’s accounting service includes everything from document processing to the preparation of tax returns and declarations. The service also includes needs-based consultation. The services we offer vary across countries, but in all cases we translate the foreign accounting specifics into understandable terms and build bridges across national borders.

In Estonia, we also offer the services of a chief accountant, payroll accounting and the preparation of annual accounts. In Finland, Sweden and Lithuania we prepare tax returns and declarations in addition to document processing or payroll accounting.

What programs do we use for accounting?

CHK believes that accounting should be innovative, and we want to be at the forefront of this philosophy. We believe that accounting should represent a sustainable world view, which is why we are committed to reducing the paperwork that comes with doing business.

To save time and the environment, we place great emphasis on ensuring that the accounting service we provide supports digitisation and automation. CHK’s accounting service also includes the Trigon online accounting software with integrations such as CostPocket and Open Banking.

We are experts in the following business tools down to the smallest detail: Standard Books, Directo, Erply, SmartAccounts, Procountor, Noom, Korto Pro, Joosep, Netvisor and Axapta, as well as Merit Palk and Merit Aktiva. We can also use the business software your company already uses. For workflow control in the accounting office and for CRM, we use UKU. This helps us measure time and manage tasks.

Why choose CHK?

Accounting is an area in which, for CHK, there are no insurmountable problems. We find solutions when others get stuck. We specialise in preventing problems and dealing with complex situations such as the recovery of accounting and advising on tax audits. We can handle the accounts of small businesses and manage those of larger operations.

Our long-term experience with listed and group companies allows us to offer effective partnerships to large corporations. New lines of business require the reorganisation of accounting and a thorough knowledge of the target country’s legislation. CHK’s expertise builds a foundation of trust and creates an advantage for any company whose expansion plans include the Estonian, Finnish, Swedish or Lithuanian markets.

CHK uses state-of-the-art and highly secure IT systems. With us, you can be sure your company’s information will be protected according to the highest standards. We offer services in Estonian, Russian, Finnish, English, Swedish or Lithuanian.

What other services do we offer?

Although accounting is CHK’s core service, we also have expertise in other areas. We offer tax consultation, business services, business analytics and insurance.

Contact us and we’ll find the best solution for you!