An innovative approach to accounting for your business.

CHK offers innovative solutions covering both traditional accounting services and special solutions based on the needs of each business. We will develop a package of services tailored to the specific needs of your business, including e.g. accounting, payroll and tax accounting and business analytics.


CHK offers innovative solutions covering both traditional accounting services and special solutions based on the needs of each business. CHK’s accounting service also includes consultation on day-to-day accounting and taxation issues.

Tax consultation

CHK offers broad-based tax consultations to companies operating in Estonia as well as on the Finnish, Swedish and Lithuanian markets. We consult on the taxation aspects of individual transactions and fully represent companies in tax audits.

Business services

With CHK’s business services, we can help you with all of the steps from setting up a business and obtaining various registrations to winding up a micro-enterprise. We will support you throughout the life cycle of your company in Estonia as well as on the Finnish, Swedish and Lithuanian markets.

Business analytics

CHK offers your company business analytics supported by the latest technological solutions. Expert analytics by our specialists help you make better management decisions, optimise operational processes and increase the efficiency of your entire business.



CHK brokers insurance services for companies operating in Estonia and Finland. Setting up on the Finnish market can involve a significant amount of time to obtain the required insurance. CHK helps to speed up this process through its insurance partners.

See also here!

CHK devotes a lot of time to developing its processes. For us, it’s not just fast and professional processing of data that delivers the results we want, but also a personal approach and sector-specific expertise. While CHK considers the business areas of all our clients to be equally important, we have highlighted a few areas to better convey the content of the service.

However, if you can’t find what you’re looking for on this list, contact us and we’ll find the best solution. The list is updated regularly.

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