We contribute to sports and a sustainable environment

For years now we have been committed to promoting Estonian sports culture, especially women’s sports,
and integrating sustainable solutions into CHK’s daily business processes.


CHK recognises the importance of giving back to the community, for which reason we throw our weight behind sports culture. We have supported and are supporting speed skater Saskia Alusalu, the basketball clubs Rock and BC Elva and the University of Tartu’s women’s basketball teams.

Our main focus is on women’s sport, because we feel there is a lot of untapped potential there. In addition, we see inequality between men’s and women’s sports as a major problem. Women’s sports are often underfunded, as reflected in prize money, pay gaps and media coverage.

We cannot overlook the fact that CHK is a team of which approximately 99% are women! CHK currently supports the University of Tartu’s women’s basketball team. We want women’s basketball to share more of the spotlight and to attract a capable and professional new generation of players.

In addition, we support the community-based basketball club Rock, which aims to bring basketball back to a high level in the university city. We also want Tartu basketball (as well as Estonian basketball generally) to be recognised both at home and abroad. We are doing our bit to help current and future generations take basketball to new heights.

A sustainable environment

Sustainability and environmental protection are prominent in CHK’s daily activities. We believe this is important, because we want future generations to inherit a greener, cleaner world. We have invested resources and expertise to make our accounting environmentally friendly and sustainable.

We put a lot of emphasis on the digitisation and automation of work processes. These efforts have paid off in every way, since for years now we have been approximately 98% paper-free. In this way, we spare the environment by reducing energy consumption and logging – and in fact, improve the efficiency of our work processes.

We want to lead the way in paperless business and encourage other organisations and businesses to follow this way of thinking. It is an important effort for a greener future. Paperless accounting leaves trees growing in Estonia’s forests!